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Agrochemical analysis of the soil

Determination of nutrients in the soil that can be absorbed by plants, calculation of their element needs and consultation of steps to be taken.

Determination of salinity level of the soil

Preparation of results of salinity level of the soil, consultation of steps to be taken for melioration, calculation of plastering norm if necessary to increase water permeability of the soil.

Granulometric analysis of the soil

Determination of the soil type according to its mechanical composition (soil density, filtration coefficient, absorbable moisture).

Determination of moisture reserve according to the granulometric composition of the soil

Estimation and calculation of reserve moisture that the plant can absorb.

Complex analysis of plant samples

Diagnosis of fungal and bacterial diseases. Identification of complications caused by nematodes, ticks, pests and insects. Determination of the degree of plant infection with the disease and prognosis of the disease course. Plan of action for plant protection (treatment and prevention)

Soil phytoexamination (infection of soil with phytopathogenic fungi and bacteria, phytoparasitic nematodes)

Determination and identification of nematodes, bacteria and fungi in the soil harmful to plants

Phytoexpertise of seeds and planting material

Determination and identification infection of seeds with bacteria and fungi. At the same time study of the germination capacity of seeds.

Determination of powdery mildew in wheat and barley grains

Determination of infection of the cereal germ with fungal mycelium

Analysis of irrigation water

Toxicity assessment of the quality of irrigation water according to the plant to be planted

Tissue (“leaf”) diagnostics

Assessment of the level of nutrient supply of the plant. Based on the results of the analysis, the type of fertilizers to be applied and the procedure for application (with leaf or root) are presented graphically

Agrochemical analysis of the soil for perennial crops (vineyards, gardens, berries)

Determination of nutrition elements of the soil, preparation of results, calculation of mineral fertilization for the designated product, consultation of steps to be taken for melioration of the soil

Analysis of microelements in soil

Determination of the amount of microelements that can be absorbed by the plant (Mn, Cu, B).

Determination of phytoparasitic nematodes in the soil
Extensive special analysis of the soil for perennial crops

(To determine the suitability of perennial crops in the area for planting: conduct of complete agrochemical, phytopathological, helminthological, garaulometric analysis)

Conduct of monitorings in the fields (plantations or gardens)

For a full analysis of the harmful effects of pests in gardens, plantation crops and greenhouses, inspection of the required field and opinion writing by the expert teams.

Entomological research

Diagnostics and identification of insects at all stages of development (egg, larva, pupa, imago), as well as determination of the economic threshold of insect harmfulness

Study of soil microbial activity

Calculation of the soil microbial activity

Determination of toxic aftereffect of herbicides on soil using biotesting method

Evaluation of pesticides  residues in soil and its  impact  on the plant growth and development.

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